Monday, March 18, 2013

Can you believe it?  We are at the end of the third term!  This week is assessment week, so as always, feel free to come in even if you are not scheduled - the more help we have here, the more assessments can go smoothly!

Please be sure to do the sight word shopping assignment homework with your child ASAP, the point is to have this as a review before sight word assessments on Thursday.  the paper is not due until after the break, but at least getting started now will certainly have some bearing on your child's assessment performance.

Also, please redouble the reading efforts.  We have a little over 9 weeks left, and that is enough time for EACH CHILD to seriously improve reading skills.  This is such an important time in the children's development.  PLEASE be sure to read every day with your child for at least 20 minutes.  About five minutes (at least) of that should be your child reading to you by now, and you taking the rest.  I'll work like crazy here, and if the same level of importance is put on reading at home, we will see amazing growth.  Thank you for your support in this.

Enjoy the break!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Hello!  Here we are on a (relatively) normal week!  Except...Ms. Jennifer will be out of town Friday and I will be at a meeting until 11:30!  Because of this, there will be no spelling test this Friday, and no spelling lists going home this week.  We will still have a spelling center, but no tests.

Our Community Helpers unit is moving right along.  If anyone is interested in presenting to the class your profession/job in a 15-20 minute presentation, please let me know!  The students have all chosen jobs to report on and will be taking home research on the night of the 20th.  Reports will be presented the first week of April, giving your student Spring Break to work on the report and presentation!

Term 3 sight words will be assessed next week.  So will all term 3 subjects.  Please let me know if you are available that week (March 18-March 21) to assist with math stations and/or centers so that assessing can be done.

Thank you for all of your support.  PLEASE remember - AT LEAST 20 MINUTES OF READING TO YOUR CHILD EACH DAY!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Here we are again at the start of another week.  I can't believe how quickly the time is slipping away!  Now is the time to redouble our reading efforts and make sure to do our daily reading with our kids.  At least 20 minutes of reading AND/OR being read to, please!  To clarify, that 20 minutes needs to be actual reading - looking at pictures is not the same as being read to.  Thank you!

We are gearing up for our oral reports, which will be presented the week after Spring Break.  Again, all research will be done here, and you and your student can put the report together over Spring Break.  The students will choose the profession that they would like to report on, it will not be assigned by me.  To avoid doubleing up, we will only have one of each profession per class.

We ave had 2 Golden Rule projects come in!  Thank you!  Please keep this awesome program in mind - perhaps Spring Break would be a great time to do it!